
At Synergistic, we are a team of people united in recovery who want to give back. Having been blessed with a second chance that recovery has given us, we feel indebted. We understand the struggles your loved one goes through on a level only available to those of us who have been there. We know what it’s like. Rarely is the decision to quit drinking, or using, made lightly. In fact, the self-revelation that we can no longer control our drinking or using is usually brought on by outside forces such as jail, hospitalization, or worse. Most of us come kicking and screaming. An active alcoholic or addict is an unlovely creature. Late-stage substance abuse is typically accompanied by shame, fear, anger, bewilderment, and hopelessness. Our behavior is often erratic because we are no longer genuinely sane. What other explanation is there for the things we do? And typically, things don’t improve on their own. At least, not until the discomfort of staying the same becomes greater than the fear of change.

We have performed interventions in the past in which the addict or alcoholic has shared their plans for suicide, or we had to call 911 because a medical intervention needed to come first due to overdose, accidental or intentional. This is a deadly disease, and those who still suffer are no longer behaving rationally; their decisions can have unthinkable consequences. They no longer act in their best interests and need help. You probably know this and have tried to help countless times, but it hasn’t worked. Not for lack of love. You just don’t know how. We do!

We have found a better way to avoid worsening consequences. Typically the bottom for alcoholics or addicts is ugly, i.e., homelessness, divorce, jail, hospitalization, or death. These are often required for the discomfort to get bad enough for the substance abuser to become willing to change. But why wait until there’s an accident or someone gets hurt, sick, arrested, or overdoses? Left untreated, these are inevitable. If you are reading this, things have gotten bad. Without help, it won’t go away, it’ll only get worse. How much worse? Who knows. 

Let us help. No matter what roadblocks there may be, we can help facilitate a bottom before it gets worse. Please don’t just take our word for it. We encourage you to read our reviews and see what other families experienced while working with Synergistic. They all felt helpless and hopeless before they called us. We can chart a path for your entire family and your loved one to avoid these negative consequences or minimize the already existing ones. It’s not an exaggeration to say this is life or death. We’ve seen it, too many times. Time is of the essence. We are eager to help, and we know how!

Please let us.

Individuals uniting to produce an effect greater than the sum of their individual efforts.

Seeing the pain addiction causes families is heart-wrenching.

Feeling the love families sustain is heartwarming.

Observing a family’s willingness to learn and change is humbling.

Uniting families through our services is awe-inspiring.

Harnessing the strength of a family united in recovery is Synergistic!

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