About Synergistic Interventions

At Synergistic Interventions, we are a team of people united in recovery who want to give back. Having been blessed with a second chance that recovery has given us, we feel indebted. We understand the struggles your loved one goes through on a level only available to those of us who have been there. We know what it’s like. Rarely is the decision to quit drinking, or using, made lightly. In fact, the self-revelation that we can no longer control our drinking or using is usually brought on by outside forces such as jail, hospitalization, or worse. Most of us come kicking and screaming. An active alcoholic or addict is an unlovely creature. Late-stage substance abuse is typically accompanied by shame, fear, anger, bewilderment, and hopelessness. Our behavior is often erratic because we are no longer genuinely sane. What other explanation is there for the things we do? And typically, things don’t improve on their own. At least, not until the discomfort of staying the same becomes greater than the fear of change.

What We Do

We specialize in comprehensive substance abuse intervention services, offering a practical family approach to addressing addiction. We hope to provide families and those suffering from alcoholism or addiction with the necessary resources, knowledge, and substance abuse help to overcome their challenges and start on a newfound path of recovery.

Our Approach

Our intervention program is tailored to meet the unique needs of each family. Through years of practice, we found that family involvement is crucial in the recovery process. Our family intervention services encourage synergy among the family members involved and equips them to better understand addiction. Most importantly, we provide every family with the knowledge to support the substance abuser effectively. This complete approach ensures that everyone affected by substance abuse can begin their healing journey.

Why choose us?

We recognize that an intervention for substance abuse looks different for every family. By listening to the cares and concerns of those involved, we tailor our efforts for each unique situation. Our work doesn’t end once a substance abuse intervention has taken place because we believe the family deserves the opportunity to recover and heal, too. Our team of dedicated professional interventionists will guide the family through the entire process and are committed to ensuring each participant feels supported and heard.

Individuals uniting to produce an effect greater than the sum of their individual efforts.

Seeing the pain addiction causes families is heart-wrenching.

Feeling the love families sustain is heartwarming.

Observing a family’s willingness to learn and change is humbling.

Uniting families through our services is awe-inspiring.

Harnessing the strength of a family united in recovery is Synergistic!

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